Leadership Team Coaching

Forging high value creating teams

Leadership Team Coaching Services

For executive teams, boards, and senior level teams

Leadership team coaching from experienced professionals. We guide your leadership team toward attaining unprecedented collective performance and impact.

Why Leadership Team Coaching?

Team coaching is the answer to the new world of work

High-performing teams are the holy grail in current management thinking. However, when it comes to designing and developing such teams there is inadequate and insufficient support. Organisations realize the need for enhanced collaboration practices in the face of increased complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity, but are often ill-equipped to enable sustained change among teams.

Team coaching unlocks the team's full potential

We offer leadership team coaching, which is a relatively new discipline offering an integrated approach toward achieving higher performance and meaningful change. This is done through a team coaching process focused on aligning purpose, strategy, and goals, developing collective leadership, effectively engaging with stakeholders, and collaborating and learning across diversity. We work with the whole team, both when they are together and apart, and ensure they are mindful of how they can create the most value, now and in the future. 

Leadership team coaching sits between executive/leadership coaching and organizational development/culture, combining the best of both worlds. At Stickbundle, we have firsthand experience working across these disciplines and are trained professionals in enabling sustained change through systematically coaching teams.

Benefits from Leadership Team Coaching

Common Purpose

Alignment in the team and with stakeholders about the purpose and direction of the team

Collective Leadership

Sharing the responsibility for leadership and cultivating a ‘leadership without authority’ mentality

Mutual Accountability

Team members hold each other responsible for the commitments they have made to each other


A strong feeling of trust where team members operate in a space built upon a foundation of psychological safety

Team Learning

Developing the capacity to reflect, learn, adapt and integrate lessons learned

Value for Stakeholders

Aligning to stakeholder and organizational interests and delivering value through achieving performance goals

Benefits from Leadership Team Coaching

Common Purpose

Alignment in the team and with stakeholders about the purpose and direction of the team

Collective Leadership

Sharing the responsibility for leadership and cultivating a ‘leadership without authority’ mentality

Mutual Accountability

Team members hold each other responsible for the commitments they have made to each other


A strong feeling of trust where team members operate in a space built upon a foundation of psychological safety

Team Learning

Developing the capacity to reflect, learn, adapt and integrate lessons learned

Value for Stakeholders

Aligning to stakeholder and organizational interests and delivering value through achieving performance goals

The Impact of Leadership Team Coaching

Not sure what leadership team coaching could mean for you, your team and the organisation?

Our Leadership Team Coaching Workplan

Our leadership team coaching workplan starts with inquiry and discovery to better understand your team’s pain points, allowing us to tailor a development plan addressing the team’s needs.

1. Scoping

Setting agreements with sponsor and team leader

2. Inquiry

Inquiry into the team and discovery through a 360° team feedback questionnaire

3. Co-Creation

Co-creating objectives and the development plan through team coaching

4. Execution

Coaching and facilitating the delivery of team interventions

5. Review

Review, evaluation and learning

Does Your Team..

Leadership teams need a quantum-step change with much higher levels of collective leadership and effectiveness

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